2 Orcs with bows.
3 Orcs with two-handed weapons.
3 Orcs with hand weapons and shields.
3 Orcs with spears.
Half the Rohan force make for the gate
This time Rohan won priority and carried on racing for the gate. I hadn't moved one of my archers on the right and he took a snap shot at a partially obscured Uruk Hai beserker but missed.
Turn 3
The Warg rider won the race to the open gate and promptly closed it stranding half my force with no-one to fight. Another Rohan archer traded shots with an Uruk crossbowman to no effect.
Turn 4
Isengard regained priority. Rohan continued to bring their left hand force back to the centre to deal with the enemy arriving there. A Rohan spearman tried to climb the cliff to get to the crossbowman but fell down! The first hand to hand combat saw the Uruk Hai beserker take on the Rohan Captain who was joined by a spearman. The three attacks of Rohan were too much and the beserker perished. The Rohan Royal Guardsman charged across the centre and mowed down an Orc with an axe.
Turn 5
Priority was won by Rohan. The Uruk Hai on the left opened the gate and went through with the intention of outflanking the Rohan force which had moved back to the centre. The Warg rider set off on the other side of the gate to join the main action. Tired of missing all his shots the Uruk Crossbowman decended from the hill and attacked the Captain of Rohan who promptly slew him. A second Uruk crossbowman was double teamed by two Rohan tropps and disposed of. The Rohan Royal Guard killed an Orc archer. Isengard had now lost half it's force in two moves to Rohan's none.
Move 6
Isengard won a much-needed priority. One of the Rohan Archers guarding the flank dealt with one of the Uruks who had come through the gate. An Uruk with a shield took on the Rohan Captain and spearman, won the fight but failed to wound.
Turn 7
Rohan took back priority and several of the skirmishes in the centre continued. The Uruk Captain arrived at the fight and was charged by two Rohan spearmen and an archer. He won the fight and killed the archer. The Uruk archer fighting the Rohan Captain won the fight but failed to wound. The Warg Rider did kill the Rohan Royal Guardsman, Rohan's second casualty.
Turn 8
Priority for Rohan and the two spearmen defeated in the last round charged the Uruk Captain, throwing their spears as they charge and causing a wound but he kills one of the spearmen in hand to hand combat.
Turn 9
Rohan win priority again. The Uruk archer is killed by the Rohan Captain. The Rohan spearman kills the Warg.
Turn 10Now we have to do the paperwork to see what our forces look like next time.